SEO and SMO | Learn to do your own SEO. what is SEO

SEO Search Engine Optimization Tools And SMO Full Guide: Hello friends, we talk today will SEO and SMO you tels that SEO and SMO is what happens, and how it works, why it is essential to SEO for us, so lets Friends start. 👇        


Why did we need SEO (Search Engine Optimization) SMO?

Internet: Today, the internet  has become part of the lives of all, this led to your  time  every single piece or anything else to make it all be associated with things to drink eat from clothes things we  Online  Internet  at Is found very easily,

This is happening because everyone is  registering their presence  on the internet, website  or social networking, whether  or  not they  are connected to the online  world,

SEO and SMO | Learn to do your own SEO. what is SEO 

 It has become a very good and easy medium to take your business online. This is a very good way to reach more and more people in a short time.

There is a lot of advantage in coming into the world of online,

But the problem in this is just that, you have to tell those people about your presence, or these codes are coming in the eyes of those who are interested in going online or buying something.

You have to resort to SEO services and SMO services to reach people of your online presence because there are millions of people working on the same topic on which you are working. To get yourself to the first page of  Googleyou will have to take the help of SEO  and  SMO.

There is
also a way to do SEO services and SMO services, that you can do this work by HIRE SEO SMO Experts, but you may have to spend a lot of money for that.    

 Even if your website came to the top by any means, then after that your thought that we do not need to do anything now, this can prove to be your big mistake.

If you want your website to be always on top, then you have to keep trying to maintain its stability, otherwise, it does not take much time to come from top to last.

You use your website to stay on Top SEO Services and SMO services will learn themselves to, and your website a successful website will make |

How can you do all this? Let us tell you in this post.

SEO full form and SMO full form| SEO meaning

  1. SEO = search engine optimization
  2. SMO = Search Engine Optimization

What is SEO (search engine optimization)? what is search engine

SEO  has the full form (Search Engine Optimization), the process is to be done to rank SEO website at the top,  the owner of a website needs to do SEO  to get their website or their post to come on top of Google search engine. for,  
SEO can do to rank your page

With this, you can help search your website in the search engine

And to rank above your competitor's website, SEO   services are also required.

But there are some search engines on which you can easily rank.

As -yahoo.comBingkcom, these search is not much traffic on the engine, Sbsbe much that traffic that  Google Search  Engine throughout the world is  80% of those  Google Search  Engine as well as information search are |

 That's why  Google  has  created its own way of looking at  websites, which we   call SEO,

This is  Google  Baba's day.

In today's time, Google to rank is not an easy job Because it  SEO  is very much involved |

Initial time at  Google to rank increased competition, as it was very easy to do so as  Google has time to time its guideline started to issue |

For example, let me tell you that  Google  did it a few years ago that the  URL  in Badhao to raking to keep a portion of the name of the page for  Growth  was to begin,

As online people grew, so did  Google 's guideline become more and more difficult.

The result of this is that we have to work very hard to rank at the topwe have to keep updating our website time to time.   

There are 2 types of SEO 

  1. on-page SEO,
  2. off-page SEO,

on-page SEO,  when any post type, so the topic up our post we discover keywords  Search by the post to add to, title to the keywords we post,  Lable, and  Meta  Description are put in, good post in  Keywords  Placement do, the cleavages that, on-page SEO  is called | 

off-page SEO pos is t takes him to google index after the writing, then we the post write another website to add it is to get a backlink to us, or we the post-social  Media to share, then We get backlink from here too, this process is called off-page SEO

Do you have any other website on the comment may take backlink by, or even by Guest Post backlink can make, and submission also by off-page SEO  can be | 
To make backlinks, you can read our post-High-Quality Dofollow Nofollow backlinks list 2020 In  this post we have explained how you can create backlinks, and a list of more than 100 websites to make backlinks is also given, once Read that post too 

Isn't it easy for Google too?

Right to be called the sense that  Google   is not an easy task for,  Google  also he tries the  user  could provide accurate and good information that is not his name bad,

 But this step of Google has done a good job for those searching, but for the owner of the website, it has given a lot of difficulties.

A  lot of hard work is required to rank them. 

In this post we    are trying to share with you  what Google  wants, and what it does,    to make SEO services better,

To rank what Google sees on your website.


Google likes the old websites

 Before ranking  any site,  Google  sees   how old that website is,

Because  Google New  Website of the place like old websites and offers them the same rank |

Therefore to rank, your website, getting old is also a kind of  SEO services.

 It is also important to use Important keywords.  

Google Search  Engine of bots your websites are to the search, he first  Meta  Description and page  Who on keywords are, they see when someone  Google on search does. Whose keywords match the meta description of your website, then the loser is seen by  Google as the result of that on the page top of your website, so you need to know more than when people search enabled, that all sorts of words you use to you those words on your website or post to add to, and their good placement can be, and they own meta also must take because  Google bots meta description to Show it on your search page.

You can do this by using keywords analysis tools to find good keywords for you. 

Outgoing link and google relationship 

outgoing link  to the  Google Search  Engine  and other  websites  with  links  you to  websites  that CRT much like to see inside, or you might get when you do something you're writing your post to another to  websites  be content linked from its  websites  You can give links to your  websites, and this process is  called outgoing links which is  a part of SEO (search engine optimization)

Incoming links and google links 

incoming links which links are that someone else other websites you from websites on the links of such media social   This proves very helpful for your websites |

Websites with information related to the information contained in your post prove to be very useful to make a good improvement in your ranking.

The search engine also monitors your outgoing links and incoming links.

If your good  Links  Add done, then  Search  Engine for your website 's ranking can help Ware increase |

Must be mobile friendly

Friends most people use the internet with mobile or tablet, 70% of people use mobile and tablet to run the internet, and 30% of people use a desktop or laptop.

Because of all these things, the search engine has also included its  SEO (search engine optimizationwebsites to be mobile-friendly.

 These 10 SEOs are very important to work.     

To do SEO (search engine optimization)  and to rank your websites on the  Google search engine we have to do  10  things about it, you must follow them, otherwise, it is a bit difficult to rank. The work will be done, let's see what work it is.

1, work no. 1  Choosing the right domain name for your websites is your first task.

2. Whenever you create a  post you write you good for her keywords is selected, which  Search  Engine much search is done, the keywords you need to work on|

3. When you are writing a post, whatever file or photo you will use in it, then you write its name by putting the keywords of your postit will be easy to rank it.

4,   before writing a post, we give its title, you have to put your keywords in the title of the post

5. In your post to  Tags, or label making, there is still need your keywords to use to |

6. While writing the post, keep in mind that you have to repeat your keywords in the middle between it and try to use it as much as possible.

7.   Write a search description, and in that also you have to use your keywords work 2 or 3 times.

8. your post to  High  Quality  Links to post to add to, such as  WikipediaFacebook, etc.

9k  Permalink set contains your keywords enter click here do not 

L0k  Websites for  SEO (search engine optimization)  for most of its Websites  Sitemap requires more |

You  can also post more to know all these things well, or you  can  also watch the video on  youtube, and from that, you can  also learn,

The more you learn, the more you will be able to rank your websites well. 

SEO and SMO |  Learn to do your own SEO in Hindi

What is SMO (social media optimization)? 

Friends, what I am going to talk about is the name SMO  (social media optimization).

SMO is a social media platform such as  Facebook WhatsApp Instagram, etc.

SMO  is very useful to increase your search engine ranking.

Friends  SMO  2 very good to option to meet, through which you  Search  Engine can draw your side |

  1.  Those who are social media platforms also have their own search engine.
  2.  And another  Google  search engine 

When any media social time on account create when you add one to your profile find to add your websites to link him entering websites can add, no longer your profile that will be seeking your websites will be joined by Ba You have to put some useful material on it, and draw people towards you.

I have given you some suggestions from your side, you should read them and understand them.

You have to put the social media sharing button on your websites so that when someone finds your post and he likes that post, then he can share it directly from that,  you have to directly link your social media profile to your websites.    

This is why friends are important because we get links from social media. They are high-quality backlinks.  

Because social media is a social platform and it has high authority.

This gives us high-quality backlinks, and our  SMO  also helps a lot.

SMO  consistency is key

Friends when we any  Social  Media create your account, so we firstly your profile make, when we have our business so come on media social for us your profile needs to be a greater focus on its profile in  100 %  Fill all the information, because the friend's Google search engine quickly ranks those profiles, whose entire information is filled correctly in the profile.

And friends, you have to take one more thing that you fill the same information in the profile of your social media accounts which are in your websites. This will give a good impression on your profile.

keywords placement

Friends like their own  Websites  Post  to the  keywords  used in the same way your Social Media  Account in keywords to use to do,

When you are making a page on Facebook or you have a  youtube channel or you have a profile on some kind of social media then you have to put your keywords in it.  

Profile  Name  Also  Keywords  Use to |
Through which people will know  that we will get this information from this  page  or  channel,
This will help you rank and more and more people will try to join you.

It is important to be a brand 

 Try to make yourself a brand, but a  good quality  image on your profile keep the cover of your profile well maintained, whatever is the cover of your  profile whatever niche you have in it, should be sown, this will happen when Any  visitors  to your  profile  will then see that your  profile  at the  click  might not remain without

conclusion 👀

Friends told me about SEO  and  SMO and well explained, many bloggers have achieved success through  SEO, and  SMO. Whatever I have told you about  SEO, SMO policy, you can implement it, and you can increase traffic on your websites

No work is bigger than us, BS is needed to identify ourselves.

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